Sunday, June 19, 2011

a few mobile pics from the north american roads

On our first nights in the US before the tour we were sleeping in this room
Greenpoint, Brooklyn

And had this cat as our neighbor
-Greenpoint, Brooklyn

 Dinner at Nabil and Michaela and their cat sat on a blanket
-New York

                                                 Niagra Falls, half a boat and a tiny rainbow
-Close to the border in Canada

Food Stop
-Somewhere on the roads between Boston and Nyc

 Evan with his new synth case that was also a gun case
-Manhattan, NYC

 Stretching backstage

 All these very silly venue stamps

 -Very empty stage

 -Jared made us mexican brunch on a Saturday

 Putting merch stuff in order

  -A skeleton at the National Museum of Natural History
-Washington DC

 Killing time before a show with playing pool

 sky and flags
looking at the big lake, having trees behing us
deep dish pizza
-Chicago (on our first day off)

 our bags
-Random airport

Andreas behind a photoshoot

Poster wall at venue

 Wall with set times

 Random food and smoke stop
-Whole Foods parkinglot

-San Francisco

Swimming in the ocean and in hot springs.
Walking barefoot in Reedwoods.
Sleeping in Fletcher and Noels home that is also a Yurt.
-Esalen Institute, Big Sur (on our second day off)

 Big city view from car window
-Los Angeles

Last night of the tour there was a full moon
-Los Angeles


  1. so happy to see this, thanks!

  2. me too, such amazing travels you make.
    xo Sarah
